
Admati Agencies and Corwill Technology Corp. Sign a Representation Agreement

Admati Agencies has recently added Corwil Technologies to its portfolio.​Corwil Technology Corporation is a leading IC Package & Test Foundry supporting Mil-Aero, Medical Device, and Commercial Semiconductor markets. Located in The Silicon Valley, Corwil’s 28,000 sqft manufacturing facility features Class 10,000 and 1,000 clean room environments, is ITAR registered and compliant, and is ISO 9001:2008, MIL-STD-883, and MIL-STD-38535 certified.

Corwil Technology is the highest-volume subcontractor of Wafer Dicing, Visual Inspection, and Pick & Place services in North America, and offers a full complement of back-end capabilities spanning Wafer Thinning & Dicing, IC Package Fast Assembly, and Test Services.

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