
Admati Seminar, June 2019 Tel-Aviv

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Boston Semi Equipment’s Odyssey Takes the EG2001 Wafer Probe Platform into the Future

BILLERICA, Mass. – July 14, 2015 – Boston Semi Equipment (BSE) today announced its new Odyssey model wafer prober for 2-inch to 8-inch and custom geometry wafers. The Odyssey takes the proven mechanisms of the EG2001, supports them with enhanced software and electronics, and delivers a fully EG2001 compatible platform that is able to accommodate present and future probe requirements….


Industrial Automation: How Does It Work?

The industrial sector has always pursued automation options in an attempt to continually enhance processes and results. In today’s era, it can be confidently said that automation has never been more developed. The types of automation and the vast variety of its applications are relevant to many sectors and are involved in the production of nearly endless products. What is…

Admati to Host its 3rd Biannual Semiconductor Seminar

The semiconductor industry is getting excited as Admati Agencies is getting ready to host its 3rd biannual Admati Semiconductor Seminar, on April 10th, at the Hilton Tel-Aviv. In the past 5 years Admati’s seminar became the place where semi’s professionals from leading companies meet and learn about the latest developments in the fields of backhand validation, and device test and…

Integra Technologies’ Assembly Service Guide

Integra Technologies Inc. – Assembly Service Guide *September 2022* Learn how to make your products cost effective and designed for manufacture through the help of this detailed guide! Our guidelines are provided to assist you in making your products more manufacturable thus achieving maximum yields. The guidelines include: Wafer Thinning/Individual Die Thinning Wafer Dicing/Dice Before Grind (DBG) Die Pick-n-Place Automated…