
Admati to Host its 4th Biannual Semiconductor Seminar

Once again Admati is hosting its bi-annual Semiconductor Technical Seminar. As in years past, the seminar will take place in the Tel-Aviv Hilton, and will be an opportunity for Semi’s professional to meet again. The seminar will take place in April 28th,and will start at 8:30 and end at 17:00. Mr. Admati, Admati’s Chairman and Owner, said “as always the company sees the seminar as an opportunity for our old and new friends to meet and discuss new ideas and developments of the industry”.


The Seminar will include the following topics, ID’s WLCSP Probe head solutions, Microseries and Monet, Thermal Management during Burn-In and Test, BiTS interconnect for next generation devices, Nano-Surgery and Analysis, Board Level Reliability Testing, and JS001-2014 HBM ESD testing standard. In addition the seminar will host, as guest speaker, Prof. Avishai Braverman, former president of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, served as a member of the Knesset for the Labor Party between 2006-2015, and as Minister of Minorities affairs between 2009-2011. He received his PhD in economics from Stanford University. Mr. Broverman, also, served for fourteen years as a senior official in the World Bank in Washington.

As in the past, the registration to the seminar is free, and includes full hospitality and free parking at the Hilton’s parking lot. Please note that the preregistration is required. You can register here.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

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